My search of Web 2.0 and marketing ended up in a related area, mobile technology. An interesting article I found refers to using 3G to reach mobile consumers directly with web content. And the subsequent problem being consumers' reluctance to pay for commercial content. Mobiles must surely play a large role in this space, if not today, in the near future. Already iPhone's allow an integrated Web 2.0 interface - and businesses are seeking to use mobiles to deliver promotions and information to consumers.
Then I found an interesting article in JAR on Web 2.0 and word of mouth (Word of mouth on the web: the impact of web 2.0 on consumer purchase decisions) - and te good thing about this is that it actuallt may relate to a research project on social media that we are currently working on... so all in all, a successful 'search session'...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thing #14: Explore Technorati
Technorati! Wow! Searching for “Learning 2.0” in Blog posts, in tags and in the Blog Directory were different - although I was being harrassed by buzzing spaming messages on the screen informing me I was the 12,785,963,080th visitor to this site, and a winner... Was anyone else a winner?
The Top 100 Blogs disn;t pull anything up on the first page that was on interest - and given my attention span lasts no more than one page I've cut Technorati from my top list of 'things'.
Now when I search for something in retail, I am told "There is a temporary issue with search. Please try your search again in a few minutes."... is this a regular feature of this site?
Now it's working - and retail search terms results in: Free! Schick Razors Retail: $1.97 Coupon... I'm leaning toward Google as my one stop shop for all things online. Anyone else?
The Top 100 Blogs disn;t pull anything up on the first page that was on interest - and given my attention span lasts no more than one page I've cut Technorati from my top list of 'things'.
Now when I search for something in retail, I am told "There is a temporary issue with search. Please try your search again in a few minutes."... is this a regular feature of this site?
Now it's working - and retail search terms results in: Free! Schick Razors Retail: $1.97 Coupon... I'm leaning toward Google as my one stop shop for all things online. Anyone else?
Thing #13: Discover
This is a good idea that extends some of the MAC functionality to everyone. I have been looking for a course on Structural Equaltion Modelling with AMOS and used this as my search term. After seeing a few pages, and clicking through, I noticed that some were not as I expected and others were. I wonder if this is because people can bookmark a page as whatever they want? I wonder if this is any better than Google? I wonder if Google bookmark is around the corner?
Thing #11: Explore Twitter
I have used Twitter for some time, but the discovery of the search tool is new... and kind of interesting - although very slow to return results, but that could be my wireless... Anyway, searching returned some interesting tweets. I like this function. I have singed up for an account (some time ago) as MonashACRS, and try to tweet things about retail as much as possible... Feel free to join! I see the benefit of twitter for business - such as updating followers on new products and fresh baked goods (see Baker tweet), but personally I do not see the benefit of Twitter to my own personal daily life... I do use Facebook however, and I now notice that Twiter and Facebook can be linked... in fact, there is a new mobile device being launched (Motoblur I believe) that aggregates all of your social media to one device... now this is a beneficial device for those deeply entrenched in the social space.
Thing #10: Play with an Online Image Generator

I have to say that at first, when I saw Wags posting of the image generators, I thought that it was pretty cool... but then after a bit of investigation I wonder if I would ever use this type of an app - does anyone use this regularly? I must say I am pretty indifferent and struggle to find one that I 'like' any more than the next one...
In fact, one ( was trying to charge me to use it...
But in the name of discovery, here goes...
I actually had fun :) Sorry Cori...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thing #9: Locate some Marketing blogs
Google Reader is a reasonable search tool, but I do like finding sites like Julian's that summarise blogs... but does this take away from the 2.0 experience of searching? Perhaps, but as Wags image stated, searching can be like drinking from a fire hydrant. Good old Google's original search page is still a good search method, funny how Google seem to have so many tools being released of late (Wags - did you get an invite to Google Wave? If so, hook a brother up!)... My favouite blog/ RSS/ Website in general, which came up as the first result when searching for marketing in Google Reader, is Trendwatching, closely followed by sister site, Sprigwise... truely inspirational stuff that is always interesting to integrate to your everyday life, be it talking to students, industry, or writing...
Thing #8: Learn about RSS feeds
I must be getting old... I went in to set up my Google Reader, and it turns out I already have one set up! So it was easier than I thought... What am I doing here on a Saturday night you ask, I am getting old...
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