Monday, November 23, 2009

Thing #23: The end, or the beginning?

When I set out on this journey I thought I had a good understanding of web resources, of Web 2.0. But, I think I was just scapping the tip of the Web 2.0 iceberg.... and to some extent this experience has only made me realise how much I do not know. I am left wondering how I will keep up with all of the Web 2.0 developments that happen in the world... Wags, would you like to set up a 'latest things in Web 2.0' blog? I would subscribe, but then again there is probably already one out there... Thing 24 perhaps.

I have a hard time singling out any one 'Thing', but loved discovering Prezi, YouSendIt, and leaning to upload Video was cool too.

I think that this journey has set me on a course where I can try to integrate Web 2.0 to the classroom when I do teach. I was recently asked what the downfalls of using Web 2.0 in teaching might be, and would love anyone to propose some?

I think the concept is great, could this form a component of all new staff inductions? What a great idea!

Bring on the next set of 'Things'!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on successful completion of the 23 things, Sean. I've really enjoyed reading your blog over the past few months!
