When I set out on this journey I thought I had a good understanding of web resources, of Web 2.0. But, I think I was just scapping the tip of the Web 2.0 iceberg.... and to some extent this experience has only made me realise how much I do not know. I am left wondering how I will keep up with all of the Web 2.0 developments that happen in the world... Wags, would you like to set up a 'latest things in Web 2.0' blog? I would subscribe, but then again there is probably already one out there... Thing 24 perhaps.
I have a hard time singling out any one 'Thing', but loved discovering Prezi, YouSendIt, and leaning to upload Video was cool too.
I think that this journey has set me on a course where I can try to integrate Web 2.0 to the classroom when I do teach. I was recently asked what the downfalls of using Web 2.0 in teaching might be, and would love anyone to propose some?
I think the concept is great, could this form a component of all new staff inductions? What a great idea!
Bring on the next set of 'Things'!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thing #21: Podcasts
Podcasts are a great, not to mention free, source of information. I get sick of the music on my iPod, so download Podcasts frequently - in fact I subscribed to the US NPR All things considered Podcast, which for almost a year kept me entertained on the train ride to work... I was most upset when the canned it!! God knows why.
There are so many great Podcasts that can be used for teaching, including Best Ads on TV, which is a great source of new Advertising content...
There are so many great Podcasts that can be used for teaching, including Best Ads on TV, which is a great source of new Advertising content...
Thing #20: Discover YouTube
I heart You Tube would sum up my view of the site. It's right up there with Google (probably because they own it)!
Funny story about why I selected this video. I was doing an interview recently with a well respected New Zealand art historian, author and television producer on a topic I have been researching. He gave this great narrative about New Zealand's nation identity and as I hung of his every word, the words "Who the Fuck are we" leapt from his mouth. He then went on to describe this video, and these words in particular, as a metaphor for the craving for national identity that he sees New Zealand as having. He was a great interviewee, and his video recommendation was very funny... and one I may use in the creation of my video for ACR...
I think YouTube is a major resource for teaching, having access to the latest TV commercials around the world is just great for teaching in class - so long as the lecture room has IT working (!!!)
Funny story about why I selected this video. I was doing an interview recently with a well respected New Zealand art historian, author and television producer on a topic I have been researching. He gave this great narrative about New Zealand's nation identity and as I hung of his every word, the words "Who the Fuck are we" leapt from his mouth. He then went on to describe this video, and these words in particular, as a metaphor for the craving for national identity that he sees New Zealand as having. He was a great interviewee, and his video recommendation was very funny... and one I may use in the creation of my video for ACR...
I think YouTube is a major resource for teaching, having access to the latest TV commercials around the world is just great for teaching in class - so long as the lecture room has IT working (!!!)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thing #19: Discovering Web 2.0 Tools
I clicked on the CNET Top 100 site and was not at all to see the site YouSendIt profiled. This is a great site, and one that I have had the need to use on several occasions of late. The site allows users to send large files (free if you send 1 file at a time) to others. The great thing about this site is that it gets around the file size restrictions that we have placed on us at Monash, and I am often having to send large PPT slides to people. It'a an application that all in the university setting could use... I explored some of the sites further and found Cuil, which was to be a competitor to Google... apparently some of the search results are not great, but I seemd to have some success. It will take something special to overthrow Google...
Thing #18: Online Productivity Tools
I have had some limited experience with Google Docs, but think that it is a good idea for a tool to be used when working with different people. However, in my experience it is good to have old versions of a document saved as v1, v2, and so on. So, I agree with Wags that there is a time and a place. I'm yet to more fully integrate it to my life, but see the benefits.
Thing #17: Wikipedia
I have never looked at the discussion page and found it interesting to see how people are actually collaborating. I just assumed you made an edit and that was it, but there seems to be some discussion and deliberation around some of the changes, although I am sure there are a lot of users that aren;t involved in the discussion. I'm not game enough to change the wiki's but will check others posts to see if they have...
Thing #16: Learn about Wikis
I fond the short film interesting. I guess the years of email that have been in my life are hard to shake... I think I could have got the camping list together just as easy with email. But then sites like Wikipedia are pretty cool at finding information and learning about things... depending on what it is you are learning about and who has created the wiki of course... I find pages about places are pretty good and always start at a wikipedia page if I am travelling somehwere.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thing #15: Web 2.0 and the Future of Marketing
My search of Web 2.0 and marketing ended up in a related area, mobile technology. An interesting article I found refers to using 3G to reach mobile consumers directly with web content. And the subsequent problem being consumers' reluctance to pay for commercial content. Mobiles must surely play a large role in this space, if not today, in the near future. Already iPhone's allow an integrated Web 2.0 interface - and businesses are seeking to use mobiles to deliver promotions and information to consumers.
Then I found an interesting article in JAR on Web 2.0 and word of mouth (Word of mouth on the web: the impact of web 2.0 on consumer purchase decisions) - and te good thing about this is that it actuallt may relate to a research project on social media that we are currently working on... so all in all, a successful 'search session'...
Then I found an interesting article in JAR on Web 2.0 and word of mouth (Word of mouth on the web: the impact of web 2.0 on consumer purchase decisions) - and te good thing about this is that it actuallt may relate to a research project on social media that we are currently working on... so all in all, a successful 'search session'...
Thing #14: Explore Technorati
Technorati! Wow! Searching for “Learning 2.0” in Blog posts, in tags and in the Blog Directory were different - although I was being harrassed by buzzing spaming messages on the screen informing me I was the 12,785,963,080th visitor to this site, and a winner... Was anyone else a winner?
The Top 100 Blogs disn;t pull anything up on the first page that was on interest - and given my attention span lasts no more than one page I've cut Technorati from my top list of 'things'.
Now when I search for something in retail, I am told "There is a temporary issue with search. Please try your search again in a few minutes."... is this a regular feature of this site?
Now it's working - and retail search terms results in: Free! Schick Razors Retail: $1.97 Coupon... I'm leaning toward Google as my one stop shop for all things online. Anyone else?
The Top 100 Blogs disn;t pull anything up on the first page that was on interest - and given my attention span lasts no more than one page I've cut Technorati from my top list of 'things'.
Now when I search for something in retail, I am told "There is a temporary issue with search. Please try your search again in a few minutes."... is this a regular feature of this site?
Now it's working - and retail search terms results in: Free! Schick Razors Retail: $1.97 Coupon... I'm leaning toward Google as my one stop shop for all things online. Anyone else?
Thing #13: Discover Del.icio.us
This is a good idea that extends some of the MAC functionality to everyone. I have been looking for a course on Structural Equaltion Modelling with AMOS and used this as my search term. After seeing a few pages, and clicking through, I noticed that some were not as I expected and others were. I wonder if this is because people can bookmark a page as whatever they want? I wonder if this is any better than Google? I wonder if Google bookmark is around the corner?
Thing #11: Explore Twitter
I have used Twitter for some time, but the discovery of the search tool is new... and kind of interesting - although very slow to return results, but that could be my wireless... Anyway, searching returned some interesting tweets. I like this function. I have singed up for an account (some time ago) as MonashACRS, and try to tweet things about retail as much as possible... Feel free to join! I see the benefit of twitter for business - such as updating followers on new products and fresh baked goods (see Baker tweet), but personally I do not see the benefit of Twitter to my own personal daily life... I do use Facebook however, and I now notice that Twiter and Facebook can be linked... in fact, there is a new mobile device being launched (Motoblur I believe) that aggregates all of your social media to one device... now this is a beneficial device for those deeply entrenched in the social space.
Thing #10: Play with an Online Image Generator

I have to say that at first, when I saw Wags posting of the image generators, I thought that it was pretty cool... but then after a bit of investigation I wonder if I would ever use this type of an app - does anyone use this regularly? I must say I am pretty indifferent and struggle to find one that I 'like' any more than the next one...
In fact, one (http://www.vicale.com/maleondemand/) was trying to charge me to use it...
But in the name of discovery, here goes...
I actually had fun :) Sorry Cori...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thing #9: Locate some Marketing blogs
Google Reader is a reasonable search tool, but I do like finding sites like Julian's that summarise blogs... but does this take away from the 2.0 experience of searching? Perhaps, but as Wags image stated, searching can be like drinking from a fire hydrant. Good old Google's original search page is still a good search method, funny how Google seem to have so many tools being released of late (Wags - did you get an invite to Google Wave? If so, hook a brother up!)... My favouite blog/ RSS/ Website in general, which came up as the first result when searching for marketing in Google Reader, is Trendwatching, closely followed by sister site, Sprigwise... truely inspirational stuff that is always interesting to integrate to your everyday life, be it talking to students, industry, or writing...
Thing #8: Learn about RSS feeds
I must be getting old... I went in to set up my Google Reader, and it turns out I already have one set up! So it was easier than I thought... What am I doing here on a Saturday night you ask, I am getting old...
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thing #7: Blog about Technology
I am thinking about the application of tools like blogs and Flickr to be incorporated into the Study Tours - Sandra, your thoughts? - it might be an interesting way for the students to create and share their diaries and to review visits and post images... actually the blog site and images could form part of the assessment tool. I wonder if students would find that an interesting exercise, or if being away and having to log on to complete these tasks would be seen as difficult... probably not, given that students are already logging on and doing this, and other Facebook like things, all the time.... an idea worthy of further investigation I think! I'm going to try and find Sandra's blog and post this as a suggestion.
Thing #6: Some Flickr Fun
Montager is a great tool, I entered New Zealand to see some pictures of the home land and got a good variety of pictures... although it seems some people tag their face with where they visited so there were a bunch of picture of chinese tourists... anyway, the general idea is cool. I wonder what people do with the mosaic once it is done? it doesn't seem that you can save the entire mosaic or even that the images are big enough to view if you did save it... maybe it's just a good search tool... I'm undecided now on its usefulness... any ideas of what others might use this for?
Thing #5: Explore Flickr
Groups would be a great way to share images for class content (i.e. retail concepts) or even for the MMSP study tour program. Theya re essentially "a way for people to come together around a common interest".... and they can be private, so only able to be viewed by a class for instance.
Tags allow the user to give photos a keyword (Tag) to either help you, or others, find your photos. There is a page on Flickr that lists popular Tags... http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/ (and upon reading Wags blog further I see he notes this too).... wedding and travel are popular... but also generic... I am unsure why this photo was a result of searching for Monash (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ccdoh1/3933056600/)
woops... just posted my first image and then read the privacy bit on the 23 things blog.... learning in action...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The blog set up has been relatively stress-free... looking at others Blogs, I see Tapps has some great content (http://web-my-mind.blogspot.com/), so will be keeping on eye on this blog as a great source of info for this learning process
6 out
6 out
How do you think that Web 2.0 technologies will change the way we learn, teach and live?
Web 2.0 technology means that increasingly the learning environment is interactive, and students are engaged in the (potentially) co-education process - 23 things is a great example of the way Web 2.0 platforms can be used in a co-creative process where the educator and student can engage in a process of discovery and, in our case, self-directed learning. This has obvious implications on the way we can teach students ... and it is particulalry important that we stay abreast of these techniques as our students are the ones that are leading the way in adopting these technologies into their lives. The impact on the way live is increasing, and with memberships of platforms like Facebook increasing at rates of 1000% (Razorfish research, 2008), their role in our lives is set to continue to develop...
6 Out
Web 2.0 technology means that increasingly the learning environment is interactive, and students are engaged in the (potentially) co-education process - 23 things is a great example of the way Web 2.0 platforms can be used in a co-creative process where the educator and student can engage in a process of discovery and, in our case, self-directed learning. This has obvious implications on the way we can teach students ... and it is particulalry important that we stay abreast of these techniques as our students are the ones that are leading the way in adopting these technologies into their lives. The impact on the way live is increasing, and with memberships of platforms like Facebook increasing at rates of 1000% (Razorfish research, 2008), their role in our lives is set to continue to develop...
6 Out
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